Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

DCCN (Dilated Causal Convolution Neural Network)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 12.


  • DCCN (Dilated Causal Convolution Neural Network) is a deep learning architecture used for time series forecasting that combines dilated causal convolutional layers and residual connections.
  • Dilated causal convolutions are a variant of convolutional layers that incorporate time information and can capture long-term dependencies in time series data.
  • The causal aspect of the convolutions ensures that the output at each time step only depends on past inputs and not future ones, making it suitable for forecasting tasks.
  • Residual connections are used to connect the input and output of a convolutional block, allowing the network to learn residual mappings from the input to the output, which helps to prevent vanishing gradients during training.
  • DCCN has been shown to outperform other state-of-the-art methods for time series forecasting tasks, such as ARIMA and LSTM, on a variety of datasets.
  • DCCN has been applied to a range of energy-related problems such as load forecasting, wind power prediction, and solar power prediction.
  • DCCN has the advantage of being computationally efficient, making it a suitable option for real-time forecasting applications.

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