
Information dataset Summarization paper Load Forecasting time series forecasting British Columbia Hydro BC Hydro Electricity Authority Electricity Supply Board Canadian Electricity Association New York State Energy Research and Development Authority NYSERDA Japan Electric Power Exchange JEPX Comisión Nacional de Energía Open Power System Data OPSD Indian Smart Grid Forum ISGF Portuguese energy network Korean Power Exchange Great britain historical System Marginal Price Great britain historical SMP Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy ECORE European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity ENTSO-E Building Data Genome Project BDGP Irish smart meter HLP Hourly Load Profiles California Independent System Operator New York Independent System Operator NYISO AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator Electric Reliability Council of Texas ISO New England ISO-NE Pecan street UK Domestic Appliance-Level Electricity UK-DALE Reference Energy Disaggregation Data Global Energy Forecasting Competition GEFCom Cold-start problem Normalized Root Mean Squared Error NRMSE hyperbolic tangent sigmoid Tansig F-statistic PhotoVoltaic Maximum Information Coefficient Traffic Flow Forecasting Emperor Penguin Optimization Multi-Verse Optimization MVO Gray Wolf Optimization Tunicate Swarm Algorithm MLR Xavier initialization Exponential Linear Unit Parametric Rectified Linear Unit PReLU Leaky Rectified Linear Unit LReLU Rectified Linear Unit Renewable Energy Source Energy Management System Long-term dependency Mean Squared Error Autoformer Discrete Wavelet Transform Univariate forecasting Multivariate forecasting Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS Long-term time series forecasting Support Vector Regression BackPropagation Neural Network Mean Absolute Scaled Error Long-Term Load Forecasting LTLF Mid-Term Load Forecasting MTLF Very Short-Term Load Forecasting VSTLF Long-Term Time-Series Forecasting Min-Max Scaling Adaptive Moment Estimation K-Nearest Neighbors AutoRegressive with eXogenous inputs ARX AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXogenous inputs CNN-LSTM Multi-Step Ahead Forecasting Short Receptive Field Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory BiLSTM Dilated Causal Convolution Neural Network DCCN Particle Swarm Optimization Feed Forward Neural Network Conditional Mutual Information-based Feature Selection CMIFS Levenberg Marquardt Extreme Learning Machine Short-Term Load Forecasting STLF Friedman test Wilcoxon test Mean Absolute Percentage Error Coefficient of Variation of the Root Mean Squared Error CVRMSE Scaled Exponential Linear Unit Bootstrap Aggregating eXtreme Gradient Boosting Combined Cooling Heating and Power CCHP caiso Regression Tree KPX ELU exponential smoothing Multi-Layer Perceptron domain adaptation GWO ARMAX gradient vanishing ERCOT long short-term memory Ensemble Learning FFNN bagging Principal Component Analysis xgboost output error ReLU Recurrent Neural Network MAPE random forest LSTM RNN deep neural network dnn Convolutional Neural Network artificial neural network Deep Learning Fourier Analysis boosting SELU Building Energy Management System Energy Storage System Microgrid BEMS Discrete Fourier Transform Genetic Algorithm statistical model MLP Random Walk BPN Moving Average classification and regression tree multiple linear regression Smart Grid linear regression EPO CEA p-value LM REDD clustering rw Oe Res MSE CNE classification Es Cart PSO ESB Elm machine learning Mase Ga neural network EMS Persistence pca Artificial Intelligence Adam KNN EA Ann dft Attention tsa STL DWT ess Ma nn ML LR MIC CNN da dl RF transformer Ai SVR PV