Zettelkasten/Dataset Information

EA (Electricity Authority) dataset

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 15.


  • The New Zealand Electricity Authority (EA) manages the electricity industry in New Zealand.
  • The EA dataset is publicly available and includes data related to electricity demand, prices, and other market-related information.
  • The dataset provides access to historical and real-time data on electricity supply and demand, as well as transmission and distribution constraints.
  • The EA dataset includes data from a range of market participants, including generators, retailers, and distributors.
  • The data is updated on an hourly basis, and is available for download in a variety of formats, including CSV, XML, and JSON.
  • The EA dataset provides information on electricity market transactions, such as energy trading, balancing, and settlement activities.
  • The dataset also includes information on electricity grid constraints and outages, which can be used to inform planning and decision-making by market participants and regulators.
  • The EA dataset is intended to support a range of applications, including energy forecasting, market analysis, and energy management.
  • The data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which allows for free and open use of the data with attribution to the EA.
