Zettelkasten/Dataset Information

ECORE (Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy) dataset

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 4.


  • The ECORE (Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy consumption and renewable energy data, collected from households in the Netherlands.
  • The dataset is managed by the Dutch research organization TNO and is intended to support research on energy consumption patterns, renewable energy adoption, and energy efficiency.
  • The ECORE dataset contains detailed information on energy consumption, renewable energy production, and building characteristics, including information on the type of heating system, the level of insulation, and the presence of solar panels and heat pumps.
  • The data is collected from over 600 households across the Netherlands, covering a wide range of building types and household sizes.
  • The dataset includes both real-time and historical data, with hourly data on energy consumption and renewable energy production over a period of one year.
  • The ECORE dataset has been used in various research studies and collaborations related to energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy integration, and has contributed to the development of various energy management tools and services.
  • The dataset is available for free access, but users are required to register and agree to a data use policy that includes restrictions on commercial use and redistribution of the data.
  • TNO also provides technical support and guidance for users of the dataset, as well as access to various tools and platforms for data visualization and analysis.
  • The ECORE dataset is regularly updated with new data, and is expected to play an increasingly important role in the development of a sustainable and low-carbon energy system in the Netherlands and beyond.
