Zettelkasten/Dataset Information

ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 27.


  • The ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy measurements and market data from the ERCOT region, intended for use in research on energy markets, grid operations, and related topics.
  • The dataset is managed by ERCOT, the organization responsible for operating the bulk power system and administering wholesale electricity markets in Texas, USA.
  • The ERCOT dataset contains real-time measurements of power flows, voltage levels, and other system parameters from the transmission network, as well as market data such as prices, bids, and offers from the wholesale electricity markets.
  • The data is provided in real-time through various data feeds, as well as in historical form through the ERCOT data portal, where users can download data for specific time periods and system parameters.
  • The ERCOT dataset also includes tools for analyzing and visualizing the data, such as the ERCOT Hourly Load Data Viewer and the ERCOT Market Information System, which provide insights into system operations and market dynamics.
  • The ERCOT dataset has been used in numerous research studies and collaborations related to energy markets, grid operations, and renewable energy integration, and has contributed to the development of various modeling and optimization tools for energy systems.
  • The dataset is available for free access, but users are required to register and agree to a data use policy that includes restrictions on commercial use and redistribution of the data.
  • ERCOT continues to collect and make available data from the power system, and the dataset is regularly updated with new measurements and features.
