Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

Long-term dependency

Computer-Nerd 2023. 2. 23.


  • In machine learning and artificial neural networks, long-term dependency refers to the challenge of capturing relationships between input and output variables that are separated by a significant time gap.
  • Long-term dependencies can be particularly important in time series forecasting and natural language processing tasks, where the input and output sequences can be very long and complex.
  • Traditional feedforward neural networks can struggle to capture long-term dependencies because they rely on a fixed number of layers and weights, which can make it difficult to model complex relationships across many time steps.
  • Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are designed to address the problem of long-term dependency by using a hidden state that can retain information about past inputs and incorporate that information into future predictions.
  • However, even RNNs can struggle to capture very long-term dependencies, particularly if the input and output sequences are very long or if the relationships between variables are very complex.
  • Other techniques, such as attention mechanisms and transformers, have been developed to better handle long-term dependencies in certain types of models, particularly those used for natural language processing and image recognition.

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