Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

MVO (Multi-Verse Optimization)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 7.


  • MVO (Multi-Verse Optimization) is a swarm-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm used for solving optimization problems.
  • It is inspired by the concept of multiple universes, where each universe represents a possible solution to the optimization problem.
  • The algorithm is based on three main phases: Initialization, Evolution, and Selection.
  • In the Initialization phase, the algorithm creates a set of universes with random initial positions in the search space.
  • In the Evolution phase, the universes are updated using a set of operators, including the Big Bang operator and the Black Hole operator, to explore the search space and to converge to promising solutions.
  • The Big Bang operator updates the position of the universes by moving them away from each other, while the Black Hole operator moves the universes towards a promising solution.
  • In the Selection phase, the universes with the best fitness value are selected to create the next generation of universes.
  • MVO has been applied to solve various optimization problems, including feature selection, image processing, and forecasting, among others.
  • One advantage of MVO is its ability to converge quickly to promising solutions while maintaining a good balance between exploration and exploitation of the search space.
