Zettelkasten/Dataset Information

OPSD (Open Power System Data) dataset

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 9.


  • The OPSD (Open Power System Data) dataset provides detailed information on electricity generation and consumption in 30 European countries.
  • The dataset includes hourly and daily data on electricity generation and consumption, allowing for the analysis of trends over time and the study of seasonal variations in electricity demand and generation.
  • In addition to data on fossil fuel generation, the OPSD dataset also provides information on renewable energy generation in Europe, including data on wind, solar, hydroelectric, and other renewable energy sources.
  • The dataset is openly accessible and transparent, with clear documentation on data sources, methodologies, and quality assurance procedures.
  • The OPSD dataset is updated regularly with new data added on a monthly basis.
  • The dataset also includes information on electricity market prices in Europe, including data on spot prices, as well as prices for various market products, such as futures and options.
  • The OPSD dataset is commonly used by researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to analyze and model European electricity systems and inform decision-making processes.
