Zettelkasten/Dataset Information

GEFCom (Global Energy Forecasting Competition) dataset

Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 22.


  • The GEFCom (Global Energy Forecasting Competition) dataset is a collection of time series data used for benchmarking and evaluating forecasting models in the energy industry.
  • GEFCom was launched in 2012 by the IEEE Power and Energy Society's Working Group on Energy Forecasting and has since become a widely recognized benchmark for energy forecasting.
  • The dataset includes historical energy demand and weather data from different locations and time periods, as well as metadata about each series such as location, weather station, and industry sector.
  • GEFCom consists of several sub-competitions, each focused on a different aspect of energy forecasting, such as load forecasting, price forecasting, and wind power forecasting.
  • The dataset is updated regularly, with new sub-competitions and data releases every few years.
  • The GEFCom dataset has been used by researchers and practitioners to develop and test a wide range of forecasting models, including machine learning algorithms, statistical models, and hybrid approaches.
  • GEFCom has contributed to advances in energy forecasting research and has helped identify best practices and areas for improvement in the field.
  • The GEFCom dataset is freely available for academic and non-commercial use. However, usage for commercial purposes requires obtaining permission from the dataset owners.
