Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 22.


  • KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) is a type of machine learning algorithm used for classification and regression.
  • It's a non-parametric algorithm, which means it doesn't make any assumptions about the underlying data distribution.
  • The algorithm works by finding the K number of nearest data points to a given data point based on a similarity metric, usually Euclidean distance.
  • The value of K is typically chosen by the user and determines how many neighbors will be considered when making a prediction.
  • For classification problems, the algorithm assigns the class of the majority of the K nearest neighbors to the given data point.
  • For regression problems, the algorithm calculates the average of the K nearest neighbors to predict the value of the given data point.
  • KNN can handle multi-class classification problems, as well as numerical and categorical data.
  • KNN is a lazy algorithm, meaning that it doesn't perform any training or modeling on the data. Instead, it uses the entire dataset for predictions.
  • KNN can be sensitive to the scale of the input features, so feature normalization is often necessary.
  • KNN has a high computational cost, as it requires a distance calculation between the given data point and every other data point in the dataset.

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