Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

SVR (Support Vector Regression)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 5.


  • SVR is a type of supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used for regression tasks.
  • It is based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and uses a similar approach to find a function that best fits the data.
  • The goal of SVR is to find the hyperplane that has the maximum margin of error within a certain threshold.
  • The threshold is defined by the epsilon parameter, which determines the acceptable amount of error between the predicted value and the true value.
  • The hyperplane is determined by the support vectors, which are the data points that are closest to the hyperplane and help define its position.
  • SVR can use different types of kernel functions, such as linear, polynomial, and radial basis function (RBF), to map the input data into a higher-dimensional feature space.
  • The choice of kernel function can greatly affect the performance of the SVR algorithm, and the best choice may depend on the specific problem and data.
  • SVR can handle both linear and nonlinear regression tasks, and is known for its ability to handle high-dimensional data with a relatively small number of training examples.
  • SVR is a popular algorithm for time series forecasting, where it can be used to model and predict future values based on historical data.

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