Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

Time series forecasting

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 10.


  • Time series forecasting is a technique used to make predictions about future values based on past observations of a time series dataset.
  • A time series is a sequence of data points recorded over time, typically at regular intervals.
  • The goal of time series forecasting is to identify patterns and trends in the time series data and use them to predict future values.
  • Time series forecasting can be done using various methods, including statistical models, machine learning algorithms, and deep learning techniques.
  • The choice of method depends on the nature of the time series data and the forecasting task at hand.
  • Popular statistical models for time series forecasting include ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average), SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA), and Exponential Smoothing.
  • Machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest, XGBoost, and Support Vector Regression (SVR) can also be used for time series forecasting.
  • Deep learning techniques such as LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and Transformer have also shown promising results in time series forecasting.
  • Time series forecasting is used in a wide range of applications, including finance, economics, weather forecasting, traffic prediction, and energy load forecasting.

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