Zettelkasten/Terminology Information

RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

Computer-Nerd 2023. 4. 8.


  • RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) is a type of neural network designed for processing sequential data, such as time series or natural language.
  • It can handle input of varying length, and maintain an internal state (memory) that allows it to capture information from previous inputs.
  • RNNs can be trained with backpropagation through time (BPTT) to optimize their weights and learn to predict future values based on past values.
  • A basic RNN cell is composed of a simple layer with an activation function, which takes in the input and the previous hidden state as inputs, and produces the output and the next hidden state as outputs.
  • The most common type of RNN is the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), which uses special memory units to allow for longer-term dependencies and better gradient flow during training.
  • Another common variant is the GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit), which combines the forget and input gates of the LSTM into a single "update gate" for a simpler architecture.
  • RNNs can be used for a variety of tasks, including sequence prediction, sequence generation, and sequence classification.
  • However, they can suffer from vanishing or exploding gradients due to the long-term dependencies and recurrent weight updates, which can make training difficult.
  • Various techniques such as gradient clipping, weight regularization, and attention mechanisms can be used to address these issues and improve RNN performance.

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