dataset26 BC Hydro (British Columbia Hydro) dataset Information BC Hydro (British Columbia Hydro) is a Canadian electric utility company, serving customers in the province of British Columbia. The BC Hydro dataset provides hourly electricity demand data for the province of British Columbia. The dataset contains historical hourly electricity demand data for the entire province, as well as for specific regions and communities within the province. T.. Zettelkasten/Terminology Information 2023. 4. 16. EA (Electricity Authority) dataset Information The New Zealand Electricity Authority (EA) manages the electricity industry in New Zealand. The EA dataset is publicly available and includes data related to electricity demand, prices, and other market-related information. The dataset provides access to historical and real-time data on electricity supply and demand, as well as transmission and distribution constraints. The EA datase.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 15. ESB (Electricity Supply Board) dataset Information The dataset consists of smart meter data collected from approximately 5,000 households and small businesses in Ireland between 2009 and 2013. The data includes half-hourly readings of electricity consumption, as well as some additional data such as weather data, holidays, and other events that may affect electricity consumption. The dataset is anonymized to protect the privacy of the.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 14. CEA (Canadian Electricity Association) dataset Information The dataset is maintained and updated by the Canadian Electricity Association, which represents electric utilities in Canada and is the voice of the Canadian electricity industry. The dataset includes information on electricity generation, transmission, and distribution in Canada, as well as electricity prices and consumption patterns. The data is collected from various sources, incl.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 13. NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) dataset Information The NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) is a public benefit corporation that aims to advance innovative energy solutions, technologies, and policies. NYSERDA collects and maintains a variety of datasets related to energy use and production in New York State, including energy consumption data from commercial, industrial, and residential buildings, renewa.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 12. JEPX (Japan Electric Power Exchange) dataset Information JEPX (Japan Electric Power Exchange) is a dataset that provides information on the electricity supply and demand in Japan JEPX is operated by the Japan Electric Power Exchange Corporation, which was established in 2003 as an independent entity to promote fair competition and transparency in the Japanese electricity market. JEPX provides data on the hourly supply and demand of electri.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 11. CNE (Comisión Nacional de Energía) dataset Information The CNE (Comisión Nacional de Energía) dataset provides comprehensive data on energy supply, demand, and prices in Chile. The dataset includes detailed information on electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as energy consumption by sector and energy source. The CNE dataset also provides data on electricity prices, including spot prices and regulated prices, as.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 10. OPSD (Open Power System Data) dataset Information The OPSD (Open Power System Data) dataset provides detailed information on electricity generation and consumption in 30 European countries. The dataset includes hourly and daily data on electricity generation and consumption, allowing for the analysis of trends over time and the study of seasonal variations in electricity demand and generation. In addition to data on fossil fuel gene.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 9. ISGF (Indian Smart Grid Forum) dataset Information The ISGF (Indian Smart Grid Forum) dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity consumption and renewable energy production in India, maintained by the Indian Smart Grid Forum. The dataset contains data on electricity consumption and renewable energy production from various sources, including wind, solar, and hydroelectric, collected from different parts of India. The data .. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 8. Portuguese energy network dataset Information The Portuguese Energy Network dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity consumption and renewable energy production in Portugal. The dataset is managed by the Portuguese transmission system operator REN, and is intended to support research on energy consumption and renewable energy integration in Portugal. The dataset contains hourly data on electricity consumption and r.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 7. KPX (Korean Power Exchange) dataset Information The KPX (Korean Power Exchange) dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity prices and demand in the South Korean electricity market. The dataset is managed by the KPX, which is the national power exchange in South Korea, and is intended to support research on electricity market dynamics and price formation. The KPX dataset contains hourly data on electricity prices, elect.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 6. Great britain historical SMP (System Marginal Price) dataset Information The Great britain historical SMP (System Marginal Price) dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity prices in Great Britain. The dataset is managed by the UK energy market regulator Ofgem and is intended to support research on electricity market dynamics and price formation. The dataset contains hourly data on SMP, which is the price paid to generators for each unit of el.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 5. ECORE (Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy) dataset Information The ECORE (Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy consumption and renewable energy data, collected from households in the Netherlands. The dataset is managed by the Dutch research organization TNO and is intended to support research on energy consumption patterns, renewable energy adoption, and energy efficiency. The ECORE dataset c.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 4. ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) dataset Information The ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity transmission system data from across Europe. The dataset is managed by ENTSO-E, the association representing 43 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 36 countries in Europe. The ENTSO-E dataset contains data on various aspects of the e.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 3. BDGP (Building Data Genome Project) dataset Information The BDGP (Building Data Genome Project) dataset is a publicly available dataset of building energy consumption data and building information, collected from commercial and institutional buildings in the United States. The dataset is managed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and is intended to support research on building energy performance, as well as the development of energy.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 2. Irish smart meter dataset Information The Irish Smart Meter dataset is a publicly available dataset of electricity consumption measurements collected from smart meters installed in Irish households and small businesses. The dataset is managed by the Irish Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), and is intended to support research on energy demand and behavior, as well as the development of energy management tools a.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 4. 1. HLP (Hourly Load Profiles) dataset Information The HLP (Hourly Load Profiles) dataset is a publicly available dataset of hourly load profiles for electricity demand in various regions around the world. The dataset is managed by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and is intended to provide data for modeling and analysis of energy systems, particularly with respect to electricity demand forecasting and energy policy planning. Th.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 3. 31. CAISO (California Independent System Operator) dataset Information The CAISO (California Independent System Operator) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy measurements and market data from the CAISO region, intended for use in research on energy markets, grid operations, and related topics. The dataset is managed by CAISO, the organization responsible for operating the bulk power system and administering wholesale electricity markets in.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 3. 30. NYISO (New York Independent System Operator) dataset Information The NYISO (New York Independent System Operator) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy measurements and market data from the NYISO region, intended for use in research on energy markets, grid operations, and related topics. The dataset is managed by NYISO, the organization responsible for operating the bulk power system and administering wholesale electricity markets in t.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 3. 29. AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) dataset Information The AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) dataset is a publicly available dataset of energy measurements and market data from the National Electricity Market (NEM) in Australia, intended for use in research on energy markets, grid operations, and related topics. The dataset is managed by AEMO, the organization responsible for operating the NEM and administering wholesale electrici.. Zettelkasten/Dataset Information 2023. 3. 28. 이전 1 2 다음