Zettelkasten/Terminology Information


Computer-Nerd 2023. 3. 18.


  • CNN-LSTM is a hybrid deep learning architecture that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks.
  • CNN-LSTM is designed for sequence prediction tasks, where the input is a time-series or spatiotemporal data.
  • In the CNN-LSTM architecture, the CNN layer is used to extract local features from the input sequence, while the LSTM layer captures the long-term temporal dependencies.
  • The CNN layer typically consists of a stack of convolutional and pooling layers that perform feature extraction and spatial downsampling.
  • The LSTM layer consists of memory cells and gates that control the flow of information and allow the network to capture long-term dependencies in the input sequence.
  • The CNN layer output is flattened and fed into the LSTM layer, where it is used as input to the memory cells.
  • The LSTM layer output is typically passed through one or more fully connected layers to produce the final output.
  • CNN-LSTM is widely used in various applications such as video analysis, speech recognition, weather forecasting, and energy load forecasting.
  • Compared to other deep learning architectures, such as fully connected neural networks, CNN-LSTM can better capture the spatial and temporal dependencies in the input data, making it suitable for sequence prediction tasks.
