Zettelkasten/Paper Summarization

Household electricity demand forecast based on context information and user daily schedule analysis from meter data

Computer-Nerd 2023. 2. 16.
Authors Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
Title Household electricity demand forecast based on context information and user daily schedule analysis from meter data
Publication IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Volume 11
Issue 1
Pages 33-43
Year 2014
DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2014.2363584



  • Efficient energy usage is an important issue due to the limited energy sources and the increased environmental awareness.
  • Electricity load forecasting is a significant factor in achieving economic, reliable, and secure power systems.

Previous Research

Proposed Model

  • This paper proposes a novel approach to model the load of an individual household based on context information and daily schedule patterns.


  • The proposed approach can help in understanding an individual household's electricity consumption behavior and precisely predicting the electricity demand.
  • This is important for personalized electricity contracts and rates, smart grid and automated demand response applications, and effective electricity deployment.

Proposed Model

  • The proposed model involves four stages
  • Stage 1 is "Meter Data Collection and Preprocess"
    • Collect and preprocess the time series of daily electricity consumption.
  • Stage 2 is "Extraction of Daily Electricity Consumption Behavior Patterns and Pattern Type Induction"
    • Smooth the consumption sharp and impulse by applying the MA (Moving Average) method.
    • Granulate the data into finite granules with discrete intervals.
    • Group similar daily schedule pattern types (or electricity consumption behavior pattern types) into a cluster using clustering techniques.
    • Collect day-dependent context features and investigate features causing electricity consumption behavior to exhibit similar or different patterns.
    • Construct a classification model using only significant context features to predict the likely pattern of electricity demand.
  • Stage 3 is "Forecasting Model Construction"
    • Construct intercluster classification model and intracluster prediction model to be used in the proposed procedure
    • Classify the day into one of the consumption pattern types using the estimated day-dependent context features to forecast the electricity demand at a specific time point in a particular day.
    • Use the corresponding prediction model with estimated minute-dependent context features and historical load data as inputs to predict the electricity demand volume
  • Stage 4 is "Conducting a Confirmation Test"
    • Intercluster behavior classification model is applied, which uses estimated day- dependent context features to identify the behavior pattern type of the specific day.
    • Next, the intracluster consumption volume prediction model of the behavior pattern type identified is applied, using estimated minute-dependent context features and historical load data corresponding to the specific time point to predict the electricity consumption volume.
    • Finally, a performance index is employed to evaluate the load forecasting error. If the results are unsatisfactory, the adequacy of the context features and constructed models in Stage 3 are checked, while if the results are satisfactory, forecasting applications are initiated.


Experiment and Comparison Results
